Little did I know that the festivities for my birthday did not end on my actual birthday...oh no - there was more planned.
In fact a crafty friend had something more up her sleeve. A crafty friend who would not tell me what we were doing.
At first I was taunted with directives like putting on a prom gown...
I was game. I'd do it. I would even bring out one for her.
Luckily - I let her off the hook and the bluff was not called...
Since it was my birthday I was feeling generous.
All formalities, err - formal gowns out of the way, I was whisked away for some 'creative juice' my mind was racing. What were we going to do??? What kind of hazing was this?
The creative juice ended up being Starbucks and our destination was a paint your own pottery place!
Now I love going to those places - but I blank. I can never decide what to do. I break out in a cold sweat and while I'm staring at the stencil rack like there's an eclipse - everyone else in my group is done and the girl behind the counter is asking if she can clean my paint tray.
I had to think of something and quickly.
"Here!", my friend said.
A travel mug interrupted my memorization of the ceramic bowls and kitten figurines.
So in a spark of desperation I decided to use the Starbucks cup as my inspiration.
Simple - green, off white, black. I was finally going to finish with everyone else!
Cut to employees clearing the cups of cloudy paint filled water and my friend paying. And where am I you ask?
At the table sneaking in finishing touches...
So much for a quick execution.
But while I will always be the last kid at the craft table...I know I have to take the project home. So I have to like it!
And I have to say, I do!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago