So the first project I will share is a ceiling tile I entered into a contest at a local restaurant. I did a play on Something Wicked this Way Comes...
As you can see they used the big tiles...I don't think I realized just how big or how brittle they were until I did this.
I tried to use sealant on the tile since it's so porous, but honestly I don't believe it helped.
I used basic acrylic paint and foam brushes. The foam got torn on the tile but I
really don't know that regular wall brushes would have worked better. Coverage is just tough on a tile.
I mostly worked from the top down
The writing on the tile proved a little trickier. As I mentioned the coverage made delicate details difficult. I guess a big part of the problem is the fact that I got to the bottom and just wanted to finish. In order to use an appropriate font instead of my handwriting I would have had to print out the title, a few letters at a time in order to get them to their necessary size since anything I had was just wrong size and style wise. And according to Murphy's Law - the printer was out if ink. Then I would have had to cut out each letter and then deal with spacing, soooo my handwriting won out.
What happened with the contest?